Callista invests in industrial companies with operational development potential. We guide our companies through the three phases: Carve-Out, Restructuring and Optimization.
The carve-out enables the company to operate on a standalone basis, being cut off from former group structures. In the restructuring phase, the primary objective is to secure liquidity and thus the ability to remain in business. During the optimization phase, results are improved by refining business processes and structures. Once the results have reached a positive and sustainable level, focus is on investments and expansion.
The full implementation of our approach usually takes 4 to 7 years. This is also in line with our intended holding period. Yet, we are under no compulsion to sell our companies at the end of this period and can also hold them for a much longer period of time.
Wir erwerben Unternehmen oder Unternehmensteile mit Entwicklungspotential, oftmals aus internationalen Konzernstrukturen heraus. Unsere Zielunternehmen sind Randaktivitäten in Unternehmensgruppen. Diese haben eine fehlende Positionierung am Markt, nicht die notwendige Aufmerksamkeit des Managements oder sind in Ihrem Entfaltungsspielraum begrenzt. Dadurch wurden diese Unternehmen in ihrem Potential limitiert. Durch die Herauslösung aus den Gruppenstrukturen eröffnen sich für diese Unternehmen neue Entwicklungspotenziale. Die Gesellschaften können in eigenständigen, mittelständig geprägten Strukturen eigene Strategien verfolgen und Visionen verwirklichen. Zielunternehmen
Integraler Bestandteil der Herauslösung aus dem vormaligen Gruppenverbund („Carve-out Prozess“) ist das Aufsetzen und die Implementierung eigener Strukturen und Geschäftsbereiche. Hierzu zählen u.a.:
We acquire companies or assets with development potential, often out of international group structures. Our target companies are non-core activities in corporate groups. These have a lack of positioning in the market, do not have the necessary management attention or are constrained in their scope for development. As a result, these companies are limited in their potential. By breaking away from the group structures, new development potentials open for these businesses. The companies can pursue their own strategies and realize their visions in independent, medium-sized structures.
An essential part of the carve-out process is the establishment and implementation of separate structures and business units. This includes, among others:
After a successful carve-out process, the company can act as an independent player in the market.
After the acquisition and throughout the carve-out process, our experienced operational team supports the company in all kinds of challenges. Our team includes experts in the respective industries with many years of experience and a good network for:
By developing the company, we increase the value, which benefits us as investors, employees and other stakeholders. A healthy company offers secure jobs and acts as a reliable customer and supplier.
As a long-term investment company, we are aware of our social responsibility to our employees and their families. We work hand in hand with employee representatives and have a good relationship with trade unions.
In addition to the targeted expansion of our portfolio with companies from different industries, we also focus on platform investments and add-on acquisitions for existing portfolio companies.
Even before the transaction is completed, we prepare a strategic continuation concept, which includes a comprehensive catalogue of measures to optimise and realign the company.
This is drawn up based on our company analysis and discussions with the key stakeholders such as the seller, the management and also customers, and is communicated to them transparently. We only take over companies that we can support as entrepreneurs and add value to.