Bergische Edelstahlwerke GmbH

Customized Steel Casting Products – From Development to Final Product

Bergische Edelstahlwerke GmbH (BEW), headquartered in Engelskirchen, Germany, operates a steel foundry and a steel mill, supplying technically sophisticated steel casting products to both industrial and automotive customers. With an in-house development and quality department, combined with exceptional material expertise and deep process understanding, BEW enjoys a significant competitive advantage and is widely regarded by customers as a reliable problem solver.

Transaction & Strategy

In light of the economically challenging situation facing the steel foundry and steel mill, Doerrenberg made the strategic decision to pursue a sale. The goal was to identify a new owner capable of fully realizing the potential of both business units despite challenging circumstances. Through intensive yet focused and successful negotiations between Doerrenberg and Callista, a sustainable solution was developed to enable comprehensive restructuring.

The foundation of this restructuring is a clear strategic concept that is implemented since day one. In the weeks leading up to the transaction, a comprehensive action plan was developed to define the guiding principles for BEW’s future direction. An experienced industry expert was appointed as managing director to implement operational measures effectively. Additionally, BEW is supported by industry experts from the Callista Group’s network. This collaboration focuses on critical areas such as energy optimization and executing an ambitious sales offensive. The aim is to position BEW as the preferred supplier of high-quality steel products both nationally and internationally.



Turnover: € 19.0 million
Industry: Metal / Automotive
Employees: 134
Location: Engelskirchen (Germany)
Date of Acquisition: January 2025
Seller: Dörrenberg Edelstahl GmbH (Gesco SE)


Bergische Edelstahlwerke GmbH
Dörrenberger Weg 2
51766 Engelskirchen, Germany
